DCIF · Open

Dexus Core Infrastructure Fund

Available for

Financial Advisers, Direct and Wholesale Investors

Unit prices Data as at: 13/02/2025
Buy 1.23227
Sell 1.23104
Buy/Sell Spreads
  0.05% Buy 0.05% Sell
Minimum Investment

Servicing Forms

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Tell us about changes to your name, address, email, or telephone number.

Send to:

Dexus Capital Funds Management Limited

GPO Box 3993

Sydney NSW 2001

Download the Changing Your Personal Details - Dexus Core Infrastructure Funform. 

Tell us where you want your distributions paid.

Send to:

Dexus Capital Funds Management Limited

GPO Box 3993

Sydney NSW 2001

Download the Changing Your Distribution Payment Details - Dexus Core Infrastructure Fund form.

Tell us how much you want to withdraw (full or partial) and which Fund you want to make a withdrawal from. You can also specify where we pay your withdrawal.

Send to:

Dexus Capital Funds Management Limited

GPO Box 3993

Sydney NSW 2001

Download the Withdrawal Request - Dexus Core Infrastructure Fund form.

To change or appoint a financial adviser simply complete this form. Your financial adviser may access information on your behalf in relation to your investment.

Send to:

Dexus Capital Funds Management Limited

GPO Box 3993

Sydney NSW 2001

Download the Authorisation for Change of Servicing Adviser - Dexus Core Infrastructure Fund form.

To change your personalised fee structure agreed with your financial adviser simply complete this form. This form will also need to be completed by your financial adviser.

Send to:

Dexus Capital Funds Management Limited

GPO Box 3993

Sydney NSW 2001

Download the Changing Your Personalised Fee Structure - Dexus Core Infrastructure Fund form.

Download the Changing Your Personalised Fee Structure - Dexus Core Property Fund form.

To transfer units to another individual or business you will need to complete the Transfer and Acceptance of Units form.

Send to:

Dexus Capital Funds Management Limited

GPO Box 3993

Sydney NSW 2001

Download the Transfer and Acceptance of Units - Dexus Core Infrastructure Fund form.

Send to:

Dexus Capital Funds Management Limited

GPO Box 3993

Sydney NSW 2001

Download the Dexus Core Infrastructure Fund (DCIF) Direct Debit Form.

Identification Forms

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These identification requirements apply in addition to the land titles verification of identity requirements.

1. Primary photographic documents

Provide one of the following:

  • Current Australian or foreign1 driver's licence containing a photograph of the person, or

  • Australian passport2, or

  • Current card issued under an Australian State or Territory law, for the purpose of proving a person’s age, containing a photograph of the person in whose name the card is issued, or

  • Current foreign1 passport or similar document issued for the purpose of international travel, that contains a photograph and the signature of the person in whose name the document is issued, or

  • Current national identity card issued by a foreign1 government or the United Nations for the purpose of identification, that contains a photograph and either the signature of the person in whose name the document is issued or any unique identifier of the person in whose name the document is issued.

2. Primary non-photographic documents

Provide one of the following and one secondary identification document (or two of the following):

  • Australian or foreign1 birth certificate, or birth extract issued by a State or Territory, or

  • Australian or foreign1 marriage certificate or extract, or

  • Australian or foreign1 citizenship certificate, or

  • Pensioner concession card issued by Department of Human Services, or

  • Health care card issued by Department of Human Services, or

  • An indigenous community identity card

  • Australian or foreign1 name change certificate issued by a government or government body.


3. Secondary Identification documents

Provide one of the following and one Primary Non-photographic document:

An original notice issued to an individual, of a kind listed below, that contains the name of the individual and his or her residential address:

  • Issued by the Commonwealth or an Australian State or Territory within the preceding 12 months that records the provision of financial benefits, or

  • Issued by the Australian Taxation Office within the preceding 12 months, or

  • Issued by a local government body or utilities provider (e.g. electricity/gas bill, telephone bill, water rates notice) within the preceding three months that records the provision of services to that address or to that person


  • In relation to a person under the age of 18, a notice that it:

  • Was issued to a person by a school principal within the preceding three months;

  • Contains the name of the person and his or her residential address; and

  • Records the period of time that the person attended the school.

1. Where any document relied on as part of the procedure is in a language that is not understood by the employee carrying out the verification, it must be accompanied by an English translation prepared by an accredited translator.

2. A passport issued by the Commonwealth that expired less than two years ago is also an acceptable form of identification. 



A person who, under a law in force in a State or Territory of Australia, is currently licensed or registered to practise one of the following occupations:

  • Architect

  • Chiropractor

  • Dentist

  • Financial advisor or financial planner

  • Legal practitioner

  • Medical practitioner

  • Midwife

  • Migration agent registered under the Migration Act 1958, or similar legislation in a foreign country

  • Nurse

  • Occupational therapist

  • Optometrist

  • Patent attorney

  • Pharmacist

  • Physiotherapist

  • Psychologist

  • Trademarks attorney

  • Veterinary surgeon


Other persons

  • Accountant who is (a) a fellow of the National Tax Accountants Association or (b) a member of (i) the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, or (ii) the Association of Taxation and Management Accountants, or (iii) Certified Practising Accountants (CPA) Australia, or (iv) the Institute of Public Accountants

  • An officer with, or authorised representative of, a holder of an Australian financial services licence, having 2 or more years of continuous service with one or more licensees

  • An officer with, or a credit representative of, a holder of an Australian credit licence, having 2 or more years of continuous service with one or more licensees

  • A person who is enrolled on the roll of the Supreme Court of a State or Territory, or the High Court of Australia, as a legal practitioner (however described)

  • Agent of the Australian Postal Corporation who is in charge of an office supplying postal services to the public

  • Australian Consular Officer or Australian Diplomatic Officer (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955)

  • Bailiff

  • Bank officer with 2 or more years of continuous service

  • Building society officer with 2 or more years of continuous service

  • Chief executive officer of a Commonwealth court

  • Clerk of a court

  • Commissioner for Affidavits

  • Commissioner for Declarations

  • Credit union officer with 2 or more years of continuous service

  • Employee of a Commonwealth authority engaged on a permanent basis with 2 or more years of continuous service not specified in another item in this list

  • Employee of the Australian Trade and Investment Commission who is: (a) in a country or place outside Australia; and (b) authorised under paragraph 3 (d) of the Consular Fees Act 1955; and (c) exercising his or her function in that place

  • Employee of the Commonwealth who is: (a) in a country or place outside Australia; and (b) authorised under paragraph 3 (c) of the Consular Fees Act 1955; and (c) exercising his or her function in that place

  • Finance company officer with 2 or more years of continuous service

  • Holder of a statutory office not specified in another item in this list

  • Judge of a court

  • Justice of the Peace

  • Magistrate

  • Marriage celebrant registered under Subdivision C of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961

  • Master of a court

  • Member of the Australian Defence Force who is: (a) an officer; or (b) a non-commissioned officer within the meaning of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 with 2 or more years of continuous service; or (c) a warrant officer within the meaning of that Act

  • Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

  • Member of the Governance Institute of Australia Ltd

  • Member of: (a) the Parliament of the Commonwealth; or (b) the Parliament of a State; or (c) a Territory legislature; or (d) a local government authority of a State or Territory

  • Minister of religion registered under Subdivision A of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961

  • Notary public

  • A person authorised as a notary public in a foreign country

  • Permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation with 2 or more years of continuous service who is employed in an office supplying postal services to the public

  • Permanent employee of: (a) the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority; or (b) a State or Territory or a State or Territory authority; or (c) a local government authority; with 2 or more years of continuous service who is not specified in another item in this list

  • Person before whom a statutory declaration may be made under the law of the State or Territory in which the declaration is made

  • Police officer

  • Registrar, or Deputy Registrar, of a court

  • Senior Executive Service employee of: (a) the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority; or (b) a State or Territory or a State or Territory authority

  • Sheriff

  • Sheriff’s officer

  • Teacher employed on a full-time basis at a school or tertiary education

Document certifiers can be foreign where certification occurs outside Australia:

  • Australian Consular Officer or Australian Diplomatic Officer (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955)

  • Bailiff

  • Bank officer with 2 or more continuous years of service

  • Building society officer with 2 or more years of continuous service

  • Clerk of a court

  • Commissioner for Affidavits

  • Commissioner for Declarations

  • Credit union officer with 2 or more years of continuous service

  • Employee of a Commonwealth authority engaged on a permanent basis with 2 or more years of continuous service not specified in another item in this list

  • Employee of the Australian Trade and Investment Commission who is: (a) in a country or place outside Australia; and (b) authorised under paragraph 3 (d) of the Consular Fees Act 1955; and (c) exercising his or her function in that place

  • Employee of the Commonwealth of Australia who is: (a) in a country or place outside Australia; and (b) authorised under paragraph 3 (c) of the Consular Fees Act 1955; and (c) exercising his or her function in that place

  • Finance company officer with 2 or more years of continuous service

  • Judge of a court

  • Justice of the Peace

  • Magistrate

  • Master of a court

  • Member of the Australian Defence Force who is: (a) an officer; or (b) a non-commissioned officer within the meaning of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 with 5 or more years of continuous service; or (c) a warrant officer within the meaning of that Act

  • Notary public

  • A person authorised as a notary public in a foreign country

  • A person in a foreign country who is authorised by law in that jurisdiction to administer oaths or affirmations or to authenticate documents

  • Police officer

  • Registrar, or Deputy Registrar, of a court

An accredited translator means (in Australia):

An individual currently accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd. (NAATI) at a level of Professional Translator (or above).

An accredited translator means (outside of Australia):

An individual currently accredited by an accreditation authority for translators (equivalent to NAATI) at the level of Professional Translator (or above).

 Country Financial market
 Australia  Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)
 Belgium  Euronext Brussels
 Canada  Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX)
 Denmark  Copenhagen Stock Exchange (CSE)
 Finland  Helsinki Stock Exchange (OMXH)
 France  Euronext Paris
 Germany  Borse Frankfurt (FWB)
 Hong Kong  The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (HKE)
 Italy  Milan Stock Exchange (MIL) (Borsa Italiana)
 Japan  Tokyo Stock Exchange (TYO)
 Luxembourg  Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE)
 Netherlands  Euronext Amsterdam
 New Zealand  New Zealand Exchange (NZX)
 Singapore  Stock Exchange of Singapore (SQX)
 South Korea  Korea Exchange (KRX)
 Switzerland  SIX Swiss Exchange
 United Kingdom  London Stock Exchange
 USA  American Stock Exchange (AMEX)
NASDAQ National Market (NDAQ)
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Disclaimers and Important Information

All information on this website is subject to change without notice. While every care has been taken in the preparation of the information contained in this website, to the extent permitted by law,  (Dexus: DXS), its related body corporates and each of their respective directors, officers and employees do not make any representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy, currency, reliability or completeness of any statement in it including without limitation, any forecasts and do not guarantee the repayment of capital, or the performance of or any particular rate of return for the Dexus fund referred to on this website.  Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.  

This content has been prepared for the purpose of providing general information only, without taking account of any particular investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Investors should, before making any investment decisions, consider the appropriateness of the information on this website, and seek professional advice, having regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs. The information contained on this website should not be considered to be comprehensive or to comprise all the information which a potential investor may require in order to determine whether to invest in the Fund. This content is not intended for distribution or use in any jurisdiction where it would be contrary to applicable laws, regulations or directives and does not constitute a recommendation, offer, solicitation or invitation to invest 

Dexus Capital Funds Management Limited (ABN 15 159 557 721, AFSL 426455) (“DCFM”) is the responsible entity of the Dexus Core Infrastructure Fund (“Fund”) and the issuer of the units in the Fund. DCFM has appointed Dexus Capital Investors Limited (ABN 59 001 777 591, AFSL 232497) as the investment manager of the Fund. DCFM and DCIL are both wholly owned subsidiary of Dexus: DXS. 
To invest in the Fund, investors will need to download at www.dexus.com/dcifinvest or obtain the current Product Disclosure Statement (“PDS”) from DCFM. The PDS contains important information about investing in the Fund and it is important that investors read the PDS before making a decision about whether to acquire, or continue to hold or dispose of units in the Fund.. A target market determination has been made in respect of the Fund and is available at www.dexus.com/dcifinvest. 
The Zenith Investment Partners (ABN 27 103 132 672, AFS Licence 226872) (“Zenith”) rating (assigned to APIR AMP1179AU, December 2022) referred to in this piece is limited to “General Advice” (s766B Corporations Act 2001) for Wholesale clients only. This advice has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any individual, including target markets of financial products, where applicable, and is subject to change at any time without prior notice. It is not a specific recommendation to purchase, sell or hold the relevant product(s). Investors should seek independent financial advice before making an investment decision and should consider the appropriateness of this advice in light of their own objectives, financial situation and needs. Investors should obtain a copy of, and consider the PDS or offer document before making any decision and refer to the full Zenith Product Assessment available on the Zenith website. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Zenith usually charges the product issuer, fund manager or related party to conduct Product Assessments. Full details regarding Zenith’s methodology, ratings definitions and regulatory compliance are available on our Product Assessments and at Fund Research Regulatory Guidelines. 
The rating issued 05/2024 is published by Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561 AFSL 421 445 (Lonsec). Ratings are general advice only, and have been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. Consider your personal circumstances, read the product disclosure statement and seek independent financial advice before investing. The rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any product. Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Ratings are subject to change without notice and Lonsec assumes no obligation to update. Lonsec uses objective criteria and receives a fee from the Fund Manager. Visit lonsec.com.au for ratings information and to access the full report. © 2024 Lonsec. All rights reserved. 

Important note: The unit prices displayed in this section are indicative only.  
If unit prices are not available for today, then the latest available prices will be displayed. Unit prices are not calculated on weekends or public holidays. 
Unit prices are provided for your information only and are not guaranteed. They are based on historical data and you should not rely on the above information as the basis for making any investment, financial or other decision as past unit prices are not a reliable indicator of future unit prices.  

During the time it takes to process an application or redemption application, the unit price may vary and the actual unit prices applying to applications and redemptions may differ from those displayed in this section. Actual unit prices can be confirmed on receipt of a completed application or redemption form. 

Important note: past performance 

[Performance is annualised for periods greater than one year. Total returns are calculated using the unit price which uses the net asset values for the relevant month end. This price may differ from the actual unit price for an investor applying for or redeeming an investment. Actual unit prices will be confirmed following any transaction by an investor. Returns quoted are before tax, after fees and costs, and assume all distributions are reinvested.

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