2019 Annual General Meeting results
30 October 2019
2019 Annual General Meeting results
In accordance with Listing Rule 3.13.2 and section 251AA of the Corporations Act, Dexus advises the outcome of each resolution put to the Annual General Meeting held today, 30 October 2019.
The following resolutions were passed on a poll:
Resolution 1 Adoption of the Remuneration Report
Resolution 2 Grant 2019 long-term incentive performance rights to the Chief Executive Officer
Resolution 3.1 Approval of an Independent Director – Mark Ford
Resolution 3.2 Approval of an Independent Director – The Hon. Nicola Roxon
Resolution 4.1 Ratification of Institutional Placement
Resolution 4.2 Ratification of Note Issue
Details of the total number of votes cast on the poll and the total number of proxy votes are attached to this release.
Rowena Causley
Head of Listed Investor Relations