APN Champion Retail Fund
This fund is closed to new investment.
The APN Champion Retail Fund (ARSN: 127 948 127) was an unlisted fixed-term property fund. The fund had an investment in a portfolio of 16 supermarkets in Greece, which were leased to Carrefour Marinopoulos, a subsidiary of the Carrefour Group, until 2022.
Fund Termination
On 31 July 2016, the fund was terminated and the process of winding up and realising the assets of the fund commenced. In conjunction with the termination of the fund, investors have been advised that there will be no further returns.
Financial Reporting
In accordance with ASIC Instrument 16-0868, APN Funds Management Limited as Responsible Entity of the fund is relieved from, the requirements to prepare and have audited financial statements of the fund. Investors are advised to call the Investor Services Hotline on 1800 996 456 should they have any questions in respect to the relief granted.
Unit Pricing ($)
Date: 30 Jun 16
Price Per Unit ($): N/A