18 Brandl Street, Eight Mile Plains
Situated within Brisbane Technology Park (BTP), the property comprises two levels of office accommodation with a warehouse located at the rear of the building and completed in 2003. The property has open car parking for 94 vehicles. The NLA is approximately 4,180 sqm. Major tenants include Anteo Tech, Lumascape and Department of Transport and Main Roads. The property has a 4.5 star NABERS Energy rating.
Asset Information
- Asset typeBusiness Park
- Year built2004
- TitleFreehold
- Site area (hectares)0.6
- Lettable area ('000sqm)4.2
- Lettable area adjusted for ownership ('000sqm)4.2
- Car parking spaces94
- OwnerDXI
- Ownership (%)100
- Major tenantAnteotech
- Acquisition dateDecember 2013
- Book value at ownership ($m)14.6
- Independent valuation dateDecember 2024
- Independent valuation at ownership ($m)14.6
- Market cap rate (%)7.75
- Leased by area (%)94
- Weighted lease term by income (years)2.9
- NABERS Energy rating (with Green Power)5.0
- NABERS Energy rating (without Green Power)5.0
- NABERS Water rating5.0