Complaints Management
Complaints Guide
Dexus is committed to providing you with a high level of service, but sometimes things go wrong. If this happens, we will help you resolve the issue. We aim to resolve all complaints promptly and fairly and consistently. We follow established procedures to deal with complaints in relation to the following products and services provided by Dexus
Financial Services Complaints
Dexus has a Financial Services Complaint Management Policy, if you are an investor and have a complaint about a Dexus financial product or service, you should notify our registry / investor relations teams in the first instance:
Listed property funds
Listed property funds
Registry: MUFG Corporate Markets (previously Link Market Services Limited)
Phone: 1800 819 675 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm AEST time)
Email: dexus@cm.mpms.mufg.com- Dexus (DXS)
- Dexus Convenience Retail REIT (DXC)
- Dexus Industria REIT (DXI)
Unlisted direct property, infrastructure and real estate securities funds
Direct Funds
Registry: Boardroom Pty Limited
Phone: 1300 374 029 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm AEST time)
Email: dexus@boardroomlimited.com.au- Dexus Core Infrastructure Fund
- Dexus Wholesale Australian Property Fund
- Dexus Australian Property Fund
- Dexus Core Property Fund
- Dexus AREIT Fund
- Dexus Asian REIT Fund
- Dexus Global REIT Fund
- Dexus Property for Income Fund
- Dexus Property for Income Fund No.2
Wholesale institutional investors
Registry: Boardroom Pty Limited
Phone: +61 2 9018 4887 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm AEST time)
Email: unlistedfunds@dexus.com- Australian Industrial Partnership
- Dexus Office Trust Australia
- Dexus Australian Logistics Trust
- Dexus Jandakot Airport Fund
- Dexus Real Estate Partnership 1
- Dexus Real Estate Partnership 2
- Dexus Australian Commercial Trust
- Mercatus Dexus Australia Partnership
- Dexus Industrial Trust Australia
- Dexus Wholesale Property Fund
- Dexus Healthcare Property Fund
- Dexus Community Infrastructure Fund
- Dexus Diversified Infrastructure Trust
- Dexus Wholesale Shopping Centre Fund
- Australian Pacific Airports Fund
- Wholesale Airport Fund
Other unlisted funds investors
Registry: Boardroom Pty Limited
Phone: 1300 374 029 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm AEST time)
Email: dexus@boardroomlimited.com.au- Dexus Regional Property Fund
- Dexus Development Fund No.2
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 24 hours, or as soon as practicable, and will either be resolved, or you will be put in contact with someone who is better placed to resolve your complaint.
Indirect Investors who are retail clients should refer to the complaints provision in their product's PDS.
Dexus has procedures in place with its key service providers, including its registry service providers, to ensure that we are notified of the details of any complaints that are made directly to them about our financial products and services.
If you have difficulty understanding the information we’ve given you, please let us know straight away via the details below so that we can help you:
Phone: +61 2 7230 0373 between 8.30am and 5.30pm Sydney time, Monday to Friday
Email: clientservices@dexus.com
If you are not satisfied with the response you receive from our service providers, or if you wish to contact us directly, please use the details below:
Mail: Complaints Officer, PO Box R1822, Royal Exchange, NSW 1225
Phone: + 61 2 9017 1100
Email: complaints@dexus.com
Complaint handling process for retail investors
Once a complaint has been received and acknowledged, it will be investigated with a view to finding a resolution. We aim to resolve complaints as quickly as possible, and in accordance with the following process and timeframes:
- Unless your complaint has been resolved within 5 business days, we will provide you with a written Internal Dispute Resolution (IDR) response letter setting out the final outcome of your matter
- Other than in limited circumstances, including where the complaint is particularly complex, we will provide you with the IDR response letter within 30 calendar days after receipt of your complaint
- If there is to be a delay, Dexus will advise you of the reasons for the delay and any other rights you may have in an IDR delay letter
- On finalisation of the review into a matter where the resolution has been delayed, we will provide you with an IDR response letter that sets out the final outcome of your matter
Escalation for retail investors
If you are a retail investor and you are not satisfied with our response, you can refer your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), an external complaint handling body of which Dexus is a member. The role of this body is to provide you with a free and independent assessment of your complaint. AFCA can be contacted as follows:
Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne, VIC 3001
Phone: +61 1800 931 678 (free call within Australia)
Fax: +61 3 9613 6399
Email: info@afca.org.au
Website: www.afca.org.au
Capital Partner, Leasing & Other Property Related Services Complaints
Complaints from capital partners, co-owners, tenants, service providers or visitors to sites owned or managed by Dexus can be directed to:
Mail: Head of Governance, PO Box R1822, Royal Exchange, NSW 1225
Phone: + 61 2 9017 1100
Email: complaints@dexus.com
You will receive a response to your complaint within 24 hours, or as soon as practicable, acknowledging receipt of the complaint.
We will aim to resolve complaints from our capital partners or that relate to our leasing and other property related services within five business days. If this is not achievable, we will advise you accordingly.
Privacy Complaints
If your complaint is privacy related, please refer to the Dexus Privacy Policy for further details on contacting us and how your privacy complaint will be managed.
Other enquiries to Dexus
- If you wish to contact Dexus to make a general enquiry, please use the customer enquiry forms at https://www.dexus.com/get-in-touch
- If you wish to make an eligible disclosure under the whistleblower protection provisions of the Corporations Act, please refer to the contact details set out in Dexus’s Whistleblower Policy